Players line up as shown
1. 2 Forwards take off from the corner - one up the middle and one along the boards
2. D makes outlet pass to F than moves up the ice ready for the 3 on 1
3. F1 passes to F2 - make sure F's stay on their own sides
4. F2 makes a pass to the D in the corner
5. F1 & F2 criss cross, and F3 takes off once D gets the puck
6. D makes pass to F3 who leads F1 or F2 - 3 on 1 begins
7. Once the 3 on 1 begins the drills repeats itself from the opposite corner with D1 making outlet pass
• Quick puck movement and timing are essential
• Make sure that the F3 looks and gives the lead pass to the F in the best position
Submitted by: Dan Trepanier
Sub categories: Passing, Defense, Skating